Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Found This

The venomous serpent bunny Vs. Crabzilla
By Jon Hanson (Age 12)

The crab named crabzilla starts out his day by eating the Hawaiian islands. The venomous serpent bunny Starts his day with a hearty breakfast of Miami.
Then crabzilla eats LA for lunch. The venomous serpent bunny Eats Hershey Pennsylvania for a snack. Crablilla eats Seattle for dinner. The venomous serpent bunny has Washington DC for it’s dinner. Then at 6:00 AM the next day both monsters are looking for a nice city for breakfast when they met at New York New York. They bare their teeth and circled
around destroying buildings to show off their strength. Then crabzilla thrust forwards at the venomous serpent bunny with its horn in front of it. Then the venomous serpent bunny doges and trips crabzilla with its long tail-like body. Crabzilla falls horn first into the road where it gets stuck. Crabzilla thrashes his tail wildly and destroys lots of buildings all around him like dominoes. While crabzilla is stuck the air fore sends jets and the army sends tanks to attack the venomous serpent bunny.
The military force attacks the venomous serpent bunny first. The venomous serpent bunny chomps down on all the jets and smashes two thirds of the tanks into potholes with its tail. While trying to retreat crabzila frees himself and blows up all the tanks with its acid flame breath. They leave the military with no other choice. They target the venomous serpent bunny for a nuclear strike. The stealth bomber flies over the city but is suddenly pulled down by the venomous serpent bunny. The venomous serpent bunny
Eats it whole. The bomb goes off in its stomach. But instead of killing it makes it grow. The venomous serpent bunny burps radiation on crabzilla and makes it grow too. Then NASA decides to shoot the two monsters into space. They tie them up with titanium cords while their sleeping and launch them into space. And from that day on the 2 monsters became constellations and continue their fight in space.